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Sharing task boards

Private vs public task boards.

Becca Berg avatar
Written by Becca Berg
Updated over a week ago

Updated Aug 21, 2023

You can make your task boards public. This allows you to share the boards with clients in the portal or with your admins and users on your account. By default these boards are private and only you and your assigned teammates are on the project.

How to edit settings

Only boards that are assigned to a project can be shared. First, add the task board to a project by going to Projects and selecting your client. Then go to the Tasks tab and click Add Board. After the task board is added to the project, click the down arrow and then Edit Privacy Settings.

screenshot with arrow pointing to edit privacy settings


Privacy settings options

When you edit the privacy settings, two options come up:

  • Admin & assigned users: The default. This is a private board that only you and your assigned teammates can view.

  • Client portal: This is a shared board with your clients. They will be able to see it in the portal. This will allow them to follow along with you and what you complete. Switching the task board to this setting will also allow them to edit and create tasks as well so you can collaborate with your clients! Clients will not get an email when you assign them to a board.

Client portal view

Client portals MUST be used to share boards with clients. If you choose Client Portal as the privacy setting, the client does not get an alert. If they would like to view the task board, they can log into the client portal and click the Projects tab. At the bottom under Boards, the board will appear!

screenshot with arrow pointing to the task board in a client portal
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