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New features coming to Dubsado!

Check out our public roadmap portal and recent releases.

Becca Berg avatar
Written by Becca Berg
Updated over a week ago

What's new at Dubsado?

Each and every day we are hard at work creating new features, fixing bugs, and working on our systems behind the scenes to keep Dubsado running smoothly for your business. To see our most recent feature releases and other updates, check out the link below!

What's on our roadmap?

We love letting you know what is coming and it makes us happy to see you excited for all the awesome features on the way. And of course, we enjoy throwing some surprises in there too! πŸ˜‰

Check out our public roadmap portal below to see what we're working on and submit feedback on features we have planned.

Features listed in the portal are in no particular order and the portal does NOT cover everything we have planned. Features, details about features, and timing are always subject to change. But it will give you a good idea of what you can look forward to.

We work hard every day to make sure we deliver the best product we can and fun features as fast as we can. Not a day goes by without us being better than the day we were before. We are so happy you are here for our journey!


I really need a specific feature for my business. Can you tell me when it will be available?

Our product team is always planning new features and updates to help you get the most out of Dubsado. We are just as excited about new features as you are!

We also value transparency, and we don't want to mislead anyone about when features will be available. We do not provide any ETAs for features because we must remain flexible to release some features sooner when we can and spend more time on other features when we need to. If you send us an email or chat, we will always do our best to provide a workaround whenever possible!

I provided feedback or requested a feature. When will you develop it?

The short answer is that not every feature request will turn into a feature.

😱 But, Dubsado! How can you say that!? Don't you want to make your customers happy?

Absolutely, 1000%! Putting your experience as a customer first is at the heart of everything we do. And that is why we want to be transparent with how we handle feedback and requests for new features.

We are always listening to your feedback, and are so appreciative of you taking the time to share it with us via chat or email. Every bit of feedback is reviewed by our product team and is used to help us plan improvements and updates for the future. Truly.

With a platform as big as Dubsado, and so many different industries to serve, new features are carefully planned to deliver the best experience. There are a variety of factors we must consider, including how many requests we've gotten for a feature, how easily that feature fits in with our existing platform, and what other features we have planned that need to be developed first. Even a request that seems small may have a big impact on how the system works.

Never hesitate to reach out with your feedback or new ideas! You are our why for developing new features and updates and we love hearing from you.

πŸ‘‹ Here's a tip... the more details you can provide on how a certain feature will help you in your business, the better our product team can use that feedback for planning future updates!

Are you planning a Dubsado mobile app?

We sure are! We can't wait to bring you a Dubsado experience tailored for mobile. But we have a lot more that we would like to do before that happens and, of course, we will need to further grow our team for it as well. For now, our mobile website can be used and bookmarked for easy access on your phone.

Are you planning a Dubsado marketplace where users can sell Dubsado templates?

Yes! We cannot wait to get started on this. However, we have a lot of updates and improvements we'd like to make to our core app first to ensure the best possible experience.

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