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Customizing the Scheduler Appearance

Check out the options for changing how your scheduler looks.

Sam Gioia avatar
Written by Sam Gioia
Updated over a week ago

Here are a few ways you can personalize the appearance of your scheduler templates!

Weekly vs. Monthly View

By default, the scheduler will show available times in a weekly view:

You can change this to a monthly view by going into the Advanced tab of a scheduler template and toggling on the Monthly View option at the bottom.

Scheduler Color

The color scheme of all your scheduler templates will match the overall brand color that you set under Settings (the gear icon) >> Branding. This is why choosing a darker or more vibrant brand color is important... pastel and lighter colors will make buttons and the scheduler more difficult to read!

Welcoming Message

The welcoming message will only appear when your client opens the scheduler via a direct link. If you embed the scheduler on your website, the welcoming message banner will not appear.

To change the welcoming message, head into the Advanced tab of a scheduler template and edit the text. It's under the Sending & Sharing Options heading.


Can I add images to the scheduler?

No, there are no options to add images to the scheduler. If you are embedding the scheduler on your website, you would add images to the web page directly!

Can I change the color of the welcoming message or remove it?

No, the welcoming message banner is grey by default and is not removable or customizable.

Can I have a different color for each scheduler template?

All scheduler templates will follow your brand color! The color is not customizable on a per-scheduler basis.

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