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Apply workflows to projects

Learn the three different methods for applying and starting a workflow on a project to choose the best option for your process.

Becca Berg avatar
Written by Becca Berg
Updated over a week ago

Updated Sep 4, 2023

Understanding how and where workflows can be used in Dubsado will help you plan the best way to structure them for your process. You can apply a workflow to a project in one of three ways:

  1. Manually within a project

  2. Automatically from a lead capture form

  3. From another workflow

In Dubsado, workflows created in Templates > Workflows are not active until after you add the workflow to a project using one of the methods listed above.

Deleting or editing a workflow template won’t affect clients who already have the workflow added to their project. To update a workflow inside a project, you will want to manually manage a workflow inside a project.

Manually apply a workflow to a project

Manually starting a workflow is great for testing out workflows or when you'd like to run a specific workflow on a particular project.

To manually apply a workflow to a project:

  1. Go to Projects and click on the project.

  2. Click on the Workflows tab.

  3. Select a workflow template from the dropdown.

  4. Click Apply.

Now that the workflow template is added to a project, the workflow is active and will start working immediately!

Automatically apply a workflow to a project from a lead capture form

A lead capture form can automatically apply and start a workflow on a newly created project in two ways:

  • By using the default workflow setting

  • Adding a workflow element to your form

A lead capture form can only apply one workflow per project. This means you can’t use both a default workflow and a workflow element. If you accidentally include both in a lead capture form, the workflow element will always take priority.

Default workflow

A default workflow runs the same workflow every time the lead capture is submitted. We recommend that you use a default workflow if you offer only one service or if you want all potential clients to go through the same workflow.

To add a default workflow to your lead capture form:

screenshot of default workflow listed in form settings
  1. Select your lead capture in Templates > Forms.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Under Default workflow, select your workflow from the dropdown.

Workflow element

Adding a workflow element adds a dropdown to your form. This dropdown allows your clients to choose different services, with each service starting a different workflow!

We recommend that you use a workflow element if you offer multiple services, such as if you’re a photographer who offers wedding, portrait, or newborn sessions.

To add a workflow element to your lead capture form:

screenshot of workflow element and options that can be added
  1. Select your lead capture in Templates > Forms.

  2. Click or drag the Workflow element. It will appear in your form.

  3. In the form, click on the workflow element. A sidebar will open to edit the element.

  4. Under Options, type the different services you want to offer.

  5. For each service that you add, use the dropdown to select a workflow.

Now when a client chooses a specific service, the assigned workflow will run!

Start a workflow from another workflow

You can start a new workflow within another workflow using the Start a Workflow action. Use this method if you have a complex business process, since it allows you to string multiple workflows together. A series of shorter workflows may be easier to maintain than one long workflow.

Please note that the new workflow that gets started must be a different workflow from the original workflow.

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