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Smart field reference guide

A comprehensive list of every smart field in the system.

Becca Berg avatar
Written by Becca Berg
Updated over a week ago

Updated Dec 19, 2023

If this is the first time you've seen the term smart field, see our help article on personalizing emails with smart fields for an introduction to what they are and what they do!

This article lists every single smart field in Dubsado, organized by the headings in the Smart Field menu.

Heads up! Always insert smart fields using the smart field menu! Do not copy and paste the smart fields from this article because it may cause an error.

Project smart fields

Project smart fields can autofill basic information about the project in any form or email that you send through a project.

Project title and date

These smart fields autofill the project title and date, located at the top of the project sidebar.

Date and time formatting will follow your local conventions based on the timezone set under Settings > International Settings. The examples listed in the table below are based on being in the United States.


Smart field


Project Title


Title of the project

Project Start

{{job.start | mediumDate}}

Starting date of the project (MMM D, YYYY)

Example: Feb 9, 2023

Project Start Time

{{job.start | shortTime}}

Starting time of the project (H:MM)

Example: 10:45 AM

Project End

{{job.end | mediumDate}}

Ending date of the project (MMM D, YYYY)

Example: Feb 9, 2023

Project End Time

{{job.end | shortTime}}

Ending time of the project (H:MM)

Example: 10:45 AM

Project location

These smart fields autofill information from the project address, which is set further down in the project sidebar, below the Portal section.


Smart field



{{job.address | address}}

Project location address with line breaks:

Location name

Location address line 1

Location address line 2


State / Province

Zip / Postal



Dub Design Co

123 Main St

Suite 102

Burbank, CA 91502


Location Name

{{job.address | addressLocationName}}

Project location name

Location Contact Name


Project location contact

Client smart fields

Client smart fields autofill basic information about the client and are useful when creating a contract or email templates. All of the information is pulled from the client profile found in Utilities > Address Book. You can see a preview in the project sidebar.


Smart field


Full Name


First and last name of the primary client

First Name


First name of the primary client

Last Name


Last name of the primary client



Email address of the primary client



Phone number of the primary client

Alt Contact First


First name of alternate contact

Alt Contact Last


Last name of the alternate contact

Alt Email


Email of the alternate contact

Alt Phone


Phone number of the alternate contact

Company Name


Company name


{{client.address | address}}

Address in the client profile, with line breaks:

Line 1

Line 2

City, State / Province Zip / Postal



456 Main St

Apt 204

Burbank, California 91501

Address - Compact

{{client.address | address : true}}

Address in the client profile, all on one line

Example: 456 Main St Burbank, California 91501

Shipping Address

{{client.shippingAddress | address}}

Shipping address in the client profile, with line breaks:

Line 1

Line 2

City, State / Province Zip / Postal



456 Main St

Apt 204

Burbank, California 91501

Invoice smart fields

Invoice smart fields autofill information from the primary invoice on a project. If there are multiple invoices on a project, these smart fields will only pull information from the invoice marked as primary.

One way to use invoice smart fields is to add them to a contract template, and then attach the contract to a proposal. That way, after the client submits the proposal, an invoice gets automatically created, and the smart fields autofill the invoice details on the contract!


Smart field


Invoice Total

{{job.invoice | total}}

Total invoice amount, including tax and discounts

Example: $3,210.00

Invoice Subtotal

{{job.invoice | subtotal}}

Invoice subtotal, before taxes and discounts

Example: $5,350.00

Invoice Tax Total

{{job.invoice | invoiceTaxTotalFormatted}}

Total amount of tax charged on the invoice

Example: $8.49

Invoice Remainder

{{job.invoice | remainder}}

Remaining balance left to pay on the invoice

Example: $3,151.67

Invoice Amount Paid

{{job.invoice | paid}}

Total amount the client has paid on the invoice so far

Example: $2,140.82

Invoice Discount

{{job.invoice | discountTotalFormatted}}

Total dollar amount discounted from the invoice

Example: $259.00

Invoice Item Names & Amounts

{{job.invoice | packageItems:true}}

Table that displays the invoice item name, description, quantity, unit price, tax, and subtotal for each line item


Invoice Item Names & Descriptions

{{job.invoice | invoiceItemNamesDesc}}

Displays the line item name followed by a bulleted list description of the line item

Business Package

  • Up to 12 pages

  • 6 months of support

  • 10 email accounts

  • Animated header

Invoice Item Names

{{job.invoice.items | packageItemNames}}

Name of each item name with line breaks

Business Package
A/B Add-on

Invoice Number


The invoice number listed in Dubsado

Example: 23

Invoice Payment Plan

{{paymentSchedule | paymentScheduleFilter}}

Table that displays the Due date and Amount due for each installment of the invoice payment plan


Invoice Title


Title of the invoice if you manually changed it

Business smart fields

Business smart fields autofill information about you, the business owner. They are pulling from your brand and login settings.

Business smart fields will not autofill information about multi-users added to your brand. They will only pull in information about the brand owner.


Smart field


Full Name (may appear as User Full Name)


Your first and last name (Settings > Login settings)

First Name (may appear as User First Name)


Your first name (Settings > Login settings)

Last Name (may appear as User Last Name)


Your last name (Settings > Login settings)

Business Email


Your business email (Settings > Branding)

Phone (may appear as Brand Phone)


Your phone number (Settings > Branding)

Logo (may appear as Brand Logo)

{{brand.logo | logo}}

Your uploaded logo image (Settings > Branding)

Business Name (may appear as Brand Name)


The name of your brand (Settings > Branding)

Business Address (may appear as Brand Address)

{{brand.address | address}}

The address of your business with line breaks (Settings > Branding):

Line 1

Line 2

City, State/Prov Zip/Postal


123 Main St

Suite 102

Burbank, CA 91502

Email Signature (may appear as Brand Email Signature)


Displays your email signature (Templates > Canned Emails > Signature)


Date smart fields

Date smart fields will autofill the current date and time. For example, if you have a date smart field in your contract template, and you add that contract to a project on June 3, the date will fill in as June 3 and remain that way.

Date and time formatting will follow your local conventions based on the timezone set under Settings > International Settings.


Smart field


Date & Time

{{curDate | medium}}

US: Feb 9, 2021 1:30:00 PM

International: Feb 9 13:30:00

Long Date

{{curDate | longDate}}

US: February 9, 2021

International: 9 February 2021

Medium Date

{{curDate | mediumDate}}

US: Feb 9, 2021

International: 9 Feb 2019

Short Date

{{curDate | shortDate}}

US: 2/9/21

International: 02/09/21


{{curDate | shortTime}}

12 hour: 1:30 PM

24 hour: 13:30

Smart field links

Smart field links are used to generate links to Dubsado documents, like forms, schedulers, and invoices. They will display the link as a large button in your brand color. They are most commonly used when writing canned email templates and generally should not be added to a form template.

👋 Here’s a tip… Check out our help article for more information on using smart field links in a Dubsado form.


Smart field


Invoice Link

{{job | invoiceLink}}

Button that links to the primary invoice


Contract Link

{{job | contractLink}}

Button that links to the project’s contract. Default text displays the contract title


Portal Link

{{client | portalLink}}

Button that links to the client portal


Portal Password

{{client | portalPassword}}

Displays the password to the client portal as text

Example: joedubsado123

Form Link

{{form | formLink}}

Button that links to a sub-agreement, questionnaire, or proposal. Default text displays the form title


Scheduler Link

{{scheduler | schedulerLink}}

Button that links to a scheduler


Scheduler Group Link

{{schedulerGroup | schedulerGroupLink}}

Button that links to a scheduler group


Package smart fields

Package smart fields can only be used within a package element text box while creating a proposal. They pull from the selected package template.

These smart fields display information about the package, similar to invoice smart fields


Smart field


Package Name


Name of the package as it appears listed under Templates > Packages

Package Total With Tax

{{package.items | invoiceTotal : false | currency}}

Total cost of the package, including tax

Example: $500.00

Package Total No Tax

{{package.items | invoiceTotal : true | currency}}

Total cost of the package before tax

Example: $500.00

Package Tax Total

{{package.items | invoiceTaxTotal | currency}}

Sum of all tax charged in the package

Example: $8.59

Package Item Names & Amounts

{{package.items | packageItems}}

Displays a table with the item name, description, quantity, unit price, tax, and subtotal for each line item in the package


Package Item Names & Descriptions

{{package.items | packageItemNamesDesc}}

Displays the line item name followed by a bulleted list description for each line item in the package


Basic Package -

  • Up to 3 pages

  • 1 email account

Package Item Names

{{package.items | packageItemNames}}

Name of each item in the package, with line breaks:

Line item 1

Line item 2


Basic Package


Package selection buttons

These smart fields display something that your client can click on to select a package. Which one you use for each package is mostly up to your personal taste — you can even add your own text above or beside quantity and checkboxes!





Editable quantity box for the client to type in their desired quantity for the package

Entering a quantity selects the package (no other checkbox or button is needed)

Large Checkbox

Large checkbox for the client to select the package

Small Checkbox

Small checkbox for the client to select the package


The default button on new packages. Default text is "Select"

Appointment smart fields

Appointment smart fields can only be used in the following email templates:

  • The default appointment email templates from Templates > Canned Emails > Edit Templates. Specifically, appointment confirmed, appointment rescheduled, or appointment cancelled.

  • A custom email template that you use in a scheduler template (Templates > Scheduler) for the confirmation email or reminder emails.

These smart fields will not work in any other circumstance because they would not know which appointment to pull from.


Smart field


Appointment Name


First and last name of the client who booked followed by a dash and the name of the appointment, pulled from the name of the scheduler template

Example: Becca Berg — Consultation Call

Appointment Location


Location of the appointment pulled from what you set in the Location field on the scheduler template

Appointment Duration

{{appointment.duration | duration}}

How long the appointment lasts, pulled from Appointment duration

Example: 30 minutes

Appointment Start Date

{{appointment.start | mediumDate}}

Start date of the appointment (MMM D, YYYY)

Example: February 9, 2023

Appointment End Date

{{appointment.end | mediumDate}}

End date of the appointment (MMM D, YYYY)

Example: February 9, 2023

Appointment Start Time

{{appointment.start | shortTime}}

Start time of the appointment (H:MM) along with the client's timezone

Example: 3:30 PM (PST)

Appointment End Time

{{appointment.end | shortTime}}

End time of the appointment (H:MM) along with the client's timezone

Example: 3:30 PM (PST)

Appointment Cancellation Reason


Cancellation reason provided by the client when they cancel an appointment. This only works in the Appointment Cancelled default canned email template

Appointment Reschedule Button

{{appointment | appointmentRescheduleBtn}}

Button in your brand color that allows the client to reschedule their own appointment


Appointment Cancel Button

{{appointment | appointmentCancelBtn}}

Button that allows the client to cancel their own appointment. Color can't be changed


Appointment Conferencing Link

{{appointment | appointmentConferencingLink}}

Clickable link to a video conferencing link generated by the scheduler

You'll need video conferencing connected to Dubsado and turned on in the scheduler template


Add to Calendar Link

{{appointment | calendarLink}}

Clickable link for the client to add a scheduled appointment to their calendar


Form smart fields

Form smart fields reference the specific sub-agreement, questionnaire, or proposal being sent. They will work in a canned email template when sending a form through a project manually or with a workflow.


Smart field




Displays the form title as text as seen within the form in Templates > Forms

Example: Design Co Questions


{{form | formLink}}

Button that links to a sub-agreement, questionnaire, or proposal. Default text displays the form title




Displays the type of form you are sending as text, either "sub agreement", "questionnaire", or "proposal"

Expiration Date

{{form.expiryDate | mediumDate}}

Expiration date of the form, if specified in Form settings

This only works in the Form Reminder email template found in Templates > Canned Emails > Edit Templates

Payment plan smart fields

Payment plan smart fields will only work in a canned email set as a payment reminder in a payment plan. If a canned email with a payment plan smart field is sent manually or through a workflow, the smart field will not work.


Smart field


Due Date

{{scheduledPayment | paymentDueDate : job}}

Due date of payment (M/D/YY). Will include a relative trigger if there is one

Example with a relative trigger: 2/18/21 - 30 day(s) before project start date

Example without a relative trigger: 2/18/21

Due Date - Simple

{{scheduledPayment | paymentDueDate : job : true}}

Due date of payment only (M/D/YY)

Example: 2/18/21

Amount Due

{{scheduledPayment | paymentAmountDue : job.invoice.schedule : job.invoice}}

Amount due and relative percentage of remaining invoice

Example: $900.00 - 50% of remaining invoice

Amount - Simple

{{scheduledPayment | paymentAmountDueSimple : job.invoice.schedule : job.invoice}}

Amount due only, without the percentage of remaining invoice

Example: $900.00

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