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Tasks in the mobile app
Tasks in the mobile app
Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over a week ago

Updated September 30, 2024

Manage your tasks on the go with the Dubsado mobile app!

Viewing, editing, and creating tasks

Within the mobile app, tasks can be found within the More tab. If a task is assigned to a project, that task can also be viewed from within the project’s Tasks tab.

Viewing tasks

To view all of the tasks within your current brand, head to the More tab and tap Tasks.

Here, all of your tasks are displayed in a list view. Each entry lists the body of the task first, and if a task is associated with a project, the project’s title is listed below the body of the task.

To help find a particular task or clean up your view, you can filter your tasks using the Filter button in the top right corner of your screen. You can filter by:

  • Assigned user

  • Status

    • All, Complete, or In progress

  • Sort

    • Alphabetical by task, project, or assignee, or by due date.

Editing tasks

Tap on a task to edit the details of that tasks. When editing a task, you can:

  • Edit the body of the task within the Task field.

  • Select a project or assign the task to a different project within the Project field.

  • Choose an assignee for the task within the Assignee field.

  • Make a task private by ticking the Private checkbox.

  • Add a Due date.

  • Add Comments.

  • Attach files by tapping Select a file.

Make sure to tap Save to save your changes when you’re finished editing your task.

Creating tasks

When viewing tasks within the More tab, tap the plus + icon to create a new task.

Enter the body of your task within the Task field. Then, if the task is associated with a particular project, select the project from the Project dropdown menu. If the task is a general task and isn’t associated with a particular project, leave this field blank to create a general task.

You can also assign the task to one of your brand’s multi-users by choosing an assignee within the Assignee dropdown menu.

Lastly, you can make the tasks private by ticking the Private checkbox, and you can set a due date for the task by tapping +Add and setting a date within the Due date field.

Tap Save at the bottom of your screen to finish creating your new task.

Tasks within a project

Navigate to any project and scroll through the tabs at the top to select the Tasks tab. Here, all tasks associated with the current project appear in a list view.

Within the project’s Tasks tab, you can view, edit, or create tasks the same way as within the More tab.

  • Tap on a task to edit its details

  • Tap the Filter button to filter the tasks within the project.

  • Tap +Add to create a new task within the project.


Do tasks with due dates appear within the Events tab?

The Events tab on the mobile app only displays project dates and event dates. Tasks with due dates won't appear within the Events tab, but tasks with due dates will appear within your Dubsado calendar when using the desktop site.

Can I use tasks boards on the mobile app?

No, tasks boards can't be viewed, added to projects, or edited via the mobile app. However, tasks board tasks that have either an assignee or a due date will appear in the mobile app within the global tasks list and within the Tasks tab of the project. You can add an assignee or due date to a task board task via the desktop site if you wish to track that task on the mobile app.

Mobile App Roadmap

Curious about features and functionality that we plan to add to the mobile app? Check out our mobile app roadmap to see of a full list of the features we’re planning and working on! There, you can let us know how important our upcoming updates would be to you, and submit new ideas.

Don’t forget that you can chat our Customer Care team anytime by sending an email to, or by heading to the More tab within the mobile app.

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